Day 22 Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World

Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World

I have been listening to this book as an audio book.  It sounds good and makes me want to not eat meats or dairy any more.  However, I was sad to hear her list vegan fake food sources at the end of the book like fake cheeses and meats.  Over the years I have tried many of these and snuck them into my family’s diet as well.  Most of them are expensive and taste gross.  I agree that the way animals are raised for human consumption is wasteful and horrible.  I just have not yet found a vegan diet that is whole foods based and delicious.  I also think that it does not need to be all or nothing, and that if we were to eat a small amount of responsibly raised animals and dairy, then it would be better than eating lots of factory farmed meats. I have, once again checked out several vegan cookbooks and have more on hold at the library.  I will try again to find vegan meals to incorporate into my and my family’s diets.

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Day 21 The No More Excuses Diet

The No More Excuses Diet by Maria Kang

To me, this book did not have enough detail or substance. The rules for her program are simple, but there are no recipes and not much at all about what to eat. It has a lot about exercise and some motivational type stuff. There are photos of the author doing exercises in the middle of the book in the home workout section, but there are not explanations of how to do them there. So, yesterday, I looked at the exercises. The first one was push ups. I got on the floor and could not push up. So, I looked for other exercises on the page that required one to still be on the floor. On the next page was the lying spinal twist. So, since I was still on the floor, I got into that position. My daughter walked by and laughed at me and asked what I was doing. I told her that I was exercising and asked if I looked like the photo in the book. She said that I was in the correct position. It was supposed to be stretching and it did feel like some parts of me were stretching. My husband came by and told me that you are probably supposed to go from side to side or something in order to make it an exercise. I told him that it did not say that in the book, there was just photos. I also did the lying knees to chest. Then I did the seated arm circles. My shoulders make popping noises when I do that. Today, I found instructions for the exercises along with photos in the back section of the book. I think the instructions should have been with the photos in the middle of the book or there should at least have been a note indicating what page the instructions were on. This book, even though it says “diet” in the title, seems more like an exercise focused book to me.

I got another book from the library today – ok, I have piles of them in several rooms of my house, but I looked at one that I got today called Walk Your Butt Off and one exercise it shows is wall push ups with instructions right by the photo.  I did that.  I was really good at it.  I think that book may be more my speed.

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Day 20 More from 8 Weeks To Optimum Health and Drop Dead Healthy

This morning I went for a 25 minute walk.  I have been walking almost every day  – once or twice a day. My husband went with me this morning since he was still home because he has jury duty today.  He needs to walk more. Dr. Andrew Weil suggests starting out walking 15 minutes a day and increasing that so that by the 8th week you are walking about 40 minutes a day.  I usually walk 25 minutes in the morning and the same in the evening if it is not too hot.
Last night I read that A.J. Jacobs in his quest for bodily perfection as documented in his book “Drop Dead Healthy”, ate a meal of as many superfoods as possible.  He just ate a bunch of different foods that did not necessarily go together and did not really make a recipe of them.
I, however, made a wonderful dish this morning that contains many of the foods that Dr. Andrew Weil touts as super healing foods.
I made a stir-fry for breakfast cooked in a little extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, containing many veggies from my garden and others that were not from my garden.
From my garden were: onions (harvested over a month ago), chard, 3 okra, half of a yellow squash, cherry tomatoes, rosemary, oregano, and basil – most of them harvested this morning.  In addition to that, I put in some spinach and asparagus, fresh garlic and ginger and seasoned it with ground turmeric, sea salt and freshly ground pepper and a bit of apple cider vinegar. I also tossed in some leftover kaniwa – the new “ancient supergrain”.   I fried up some farmer’s market eggs to go with that.
So, in that dish, Dr. W. recommends the greens and he says that fresh garlic and ginger are healing foods.  Turmeric is supposed to be anti-inflammatory as is oregano oil – I assume there was a little of that in the fresh oregano.  Apple cider vinegar is supposed to have some sort of healthy properties and the kaniwa, being a new “ancient supergrain” ought to count too.  I think that rosemary also has some sort of healthy properties.
The eggs from the farmer’s market should be healthier than store bought eggs too.  That breakfast should add a year to my life – or perhaps a day?

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Day 19 Just Say NO To Infomercial Books

Today, I perused a book that looked like a health and fitness book.  It was, however, merely a very long infomercial disguised as a book.  You can tell these types of books because the author is selling something – usually supplements and other items – perhaps foods, teas, t-shirts and coffee mugs, spa weekends, superfoods, protein powders  or other things that you must purchase and use in order to participate in their extolled “health plan”.  Those “books” should come with a warning label like they put on cigarettes.

I am still listening to Dr. Andrew Weil’s book, “8 Weeks To Optimum Health”.  I went for an evening walk – about 25 min.  It was much hotter than my morning walk.  I made sure to walk near nature – went through the houses on the grass path and then walked to the path that goes by the creek.  It is very pretty.  I saw lots of rabbits on the way home on the grass by the elementary school.  Dr. Weil says in his book that it is important to walk in lovely natural surroundings when possible.

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Day 18 The Food Babe Way

The Food Babe Way by Vani Hari

I like the Food Babe.  I really do.  She is the reason that we know there is yoga mat material in some breads.  I read her advice about processed foods online and try to follow many of her suggestions.  So, I checked out this book from the library.  In this book, she promises that we can “Break free from the hidden toxins in your food and lose weight, look years younger and get healthy in just 21 days!”  Wow.  Who would not want to do that?  So, I tried many of her suggestions.  Each day has one practice to do, and every day after that  you continue the first practice and add on another so that by day 21, you are doing 21 things.  Day 1 says to drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning – warm water with the juice from a fresh lemon and cayenne pepper – the pepper is optional but suggested.  You are supposed to drink this instead of coffee.  Right.  So, I tried it.  I like lemons and I like lemon juice in ice water.  Warm lemon water first thing in the morning – not terribly appetizing. Did not continue the practice. Day 2 says to drink a green smoothie.  Despite my aversion to smoothies, I tried it anyway – you know, so I could say I did.  I tried to get my kids to drink it too.  None of us liked it. Day 3 says not to drink with your meals.  Like no water with your food.  Maybe she wants us to choke on our food?  I need water to wash the food down.  I tried it, but prefer to drink water with my meals. On Day 4 she suggests water filters.  We have one on our kitchen sink and after reading this, we bought filtered shower heads.  Food Babe says that a filtered shower head made her hair more lustrous and she needs less conditioner on it.  We have not really noticed any difference.  Day 5 says to eat less dairy.  Took me a while, but I am doing that now. Day 6 says quit drinking soda.  I don’t drink soda anyway.  Day 7 says pay attention to alcohol consumption. It lists many dreadful things that can be found in some alcohol and drinks.   I tried organic wine.  It was ok.  Day 8 says no fast food.  I rarely if ever eat fast food.  Done.  Day 9 says to give up refined sugar.  I have cut out a lot of it, but do occasionally indulge.  Day 10 says eat less meat and eat it responsibly.  I don’t eat a lot of meat – mainly chicken.  I have bought a few whole chickens at the farmer’s market.  They are more expensive, but they are good.  Day 11 says eat more raw foods – plants, not animals.  I already eat lots of salads and raw veggies.  Day 12 says limit breads and carbs and eat the healthiest ones.  I bought Ezekiel bread tortillas.  Did not like them. Day 13 says choose healthy fats like organic butter and olive oil.  I mainly use olive oil, coconut oil, and organic butter.  I bought some organic walnut oil on sale recently to use on salads.  Day 14 says to eat “superfoods”.  I tried tempeh – did not like it.  I do get kombucha occasionally.  I bought some chia and I sprinkle it on salads and sandwiches and other things if I remember to.  I even got a chia seed drink.  Chia in a drink has the consistency of tomato seeds.  Drinking strawberry lemonade with tomato seed-like chia in it is not my cup of tea.  I also got hemp seeds. They are ok on salad.  I also bought maca capsules and take them sometimes. I occasionally eat quinoa and sprouts.  I have my own sprouting jar and seeds.  Day 15 says to avoid GMO foods.  I try to.  Day 16 says make healthy, organic choices when dining out at restaurants.  I don’t dine out much, but do plan to go to a restaurant this week that is known for having vegan options.  Day 17 says to clean out the unhealthy foods from your pantry and fridge.  Since the other members of my family like some unhealthy foods and insist on some of them, I still have unhealthy foods in my house.  I do clean out my pantry and fridge on a regular basis though and I try to have the healthiest options possible that my family will eat.  Day 18 says to change your shopping habits and shop at stores that carry healthy foods like Sprouts and Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s and read the labels of what you purchase so you avoid unhealthy additives.  I do a pretty good job of this.  Day 19 says to cook fresh foods at home.  I do this often.  Day 20 says to “fast” every day for 12 hours – don’t eat after 7 or 8 pm and then don’t eat before 7 or 8 am.  I am trying not to snack in the evenings, but I sometimes have failure nights. Day 21 says to travel organically – take your own organic foods with you when you travel.  I have not traveled anywhere lately to try this.

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Day 17 The New Health Rules

The New Health Rules by Frank Lipman

I really like this book!  I am still reading it. It is one of my favorite health books that I have read lately. Short, simple, profound. Ok, maybe not profound, but the authors would probably like to think it is. If you want long, detailed explanations, read other books. I have read plenty. This book is just a nice reminder of some things I already know and some I was not aware of. It has lovely photos and sound advice and I really like it! I tried one of the yoga poses last night.  It was not as easy as I thought it would be.  I would like to take yoga classes. I am trying to find some nearby so I can start that soon.

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Day 16 This Book Will Make You Sleep

This Book Will Make You Sleep by Jessamy Hibberd

So, from what I have been reading, lack of sleep is not only unhealthy and makes you tired, it can make you fat and even contribute to diabetes.  Therefore, I needed to read this book.  It would MAKE me sleep.  Well.  Not really.  But, it does have some good advice in it.  While this book won’t “make” you sleep – unless you are reading it and fall asleep while reading it because you think it is boring or you are one of those people who falls asleep while reading, it can help people who are suffering from insomnia to change their habits and solve some of their sleep problems. Some of it’s suggestions include not reading in bed – oops – I read that part while I was in bed, having a bath, aromatherapy, imagery training and other relaxation techniques, altering your diet and keeping a sleep diary.  It also says to stop looking at screens at least an hour before you go to bed – another oops – I read it on my kindle in bed.  Still, sleep is important and I am trying to get more.

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Day 15 – 8 Weeks to Optimum Health

This morning, while taking my 20 minute walk, I began listening to the audio book of 8 Weeks To Optimum Health by Andrew Weil.  I also listened to it in the car on the way to and from work.  Part one of the book is a bunch of anecdotal stories about the author and people who have had bad health and then they did things in the program of this book and got better.  I despise anecdotal stories.  I don’t know who those people are or even if the stories are real and I don’t care.  I just want to know what the program is.  The program begins in part two.  It contains some recipes.  Listening to recipes on an audio book is kind of funny.  The guy reading it does a good job, but it is still funny.  So, in week one, the author says to eat broccoli.  I am cooking broccoli right now – following his directions – mostly – I did add in some asparagus though.  I also made Spinach and Artichoke Calzones from the More Peas, Thank You cookbook.   They have garbanzo beans in them that were pulverized in the vitamix first.

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Day 14 Clean Slate

Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your Body, and Feel Your Best

Well, it sounds good, doesn’t it?  This book starts out with 11 “golden rules”  Why 11?   Anyway, they mostly sound good and include eating whole foods, not processed food-like products, mostly plants (sounds like Michael Pollen here), staying hydrated, getting enough fiber and exercising.  I do think that establishing smart meal-planning which is golden rule #9 is important because that is one area that I tend to fail in.  I look in cookbooks, make a list, shop, can’t find all the stuff on the lists, buy the ones I can find, then get home and have an odd assortment and I can’t remember which recipes the ingredients were for and when I figure it out, I am missing some key ingredient and then I put it in the pantry or eat it with something else and fail to follow the plan I started out with.  Then the book has 3 day and 21 day action plans to first reboot and detox you and then clean the slate (which I thought would be cleaned out from the first 3 days), focus on “awareness” and form healthy habits.  The big huge problem I have with this plan is they rely on juices and smoothies.  I do not like juices and smoothies.  I would much rather eat my food.  Plus, the juices have way too much sugar in them.  The pineapple spinach juice – made in a juicer – contains 5 cups chopped romaine, 1 cup baby spinach and 3 cups of chopped pineapple.  OMG.  I cup of pineapple has 14 grams of sugar so 3 cups has 42!  How on earth can that be good for anyone?  I need to watch my sugar intake and that right there could put some people into diabetic shock or something.  Not to mention that drinking lettuce juice sounds gross.  I would be fine eating the lettuce and spinach as a salad with maybe a half cup of chopped pineapple on it, but the juice sounds too sweet and very unhealthy.  I like drinking water, tea, coffee, and wine.  I sometimes will drink kombucha and this week I tried a chia drink.  Chia seeds in a drink have the consistency of tomato seeds so it is like drinking a cup of juice with tomato seeds in it.  Not really pleasant to me.

So, while I can’t follow the plans in this book since I don’t do juices or smoothies, I do plan to try some of the recipes.  I like the idea of the breakfast vegetable-miso soup with chickpeas because I do not like sweet foods for breakfast, but miso has so much sodium that I don’t think I can use it.  Plus, I have bought miso before and I use a little bit in a soup and then have tons leftover that I don’t know what to do with and I don’t make that much soup and then it is wasted and I don’t like buying food only to use a tiny bit and then not know what to do with the rest and it sits in the fridge or pantry until I finally throw it out.  I have done that many times in the past and am trying to avoid it.  Maybe I could substitute lemon juice or balsamic vinegar for the miso?

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Day 13 The Elimination Diet

Well, it sounds good, but I don’t think I will be doing this one.  For one thing, it relies partly on juicing and I don’t own a juicer and don’t want one.  I have read that juicing is not that healthy because you leave the fiber out so it winds up being rather high in sugar – which I do not need – and the green cleansing juice, which is for the first two days, has pineapple in it so I am sure it packs a sugar whammy.  Also, most of the recipes don’t sound very good.  I may try some, but if so, I am would modify them a bit.  I was considering this diet because I figured it is for a short time period and I though I could do anything for a short time period, but I can’t do the juices and many of the recipes have odd ingredients that I don’t usually eat and I don’t think I can do this one.  I am reading other books though and may find something else that will work.

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